Webinars & Summits

Online events in conjunction with our partners worldwide and ICPMA members

ICPMA Webinar 2023

Construction Project Managers as Catalysts

Nick Smith, 6th December 2023

ICPMA Annual Summit 2021

Accelerating Future Trends in CPM

was held virtually on 19th June 2021.

Advancing the Construction Industry to the next normal

January 2021 

ICPMA is proud to share its first virtual summit organized in partnership with Build Quotient.

Around 20 speakers and 200 Attendees participated from around the world in this event held on four consecutive Saturdays between 16th January to 6th February 2021. 

A recording of the event can be accessed here.

2020webinar-women-in-construction-video promotion.mp4

Women in the AEC Industry

ICPMA is proud to share interviews organized in partnership with Build Quotient.

6 successful women participated from around the world in this event held in July-August 2020.

Christina Stoltz

Lola Ripolles

Eleni Vasiloudi

Hargeet Kaur