Award Winners 2024

New York

Congratulations to all Award Winners 2024!! 


Client: TALKE Logistics Malaysia Sdn Bhd

PM: Plus PM Consultant Sdn Bhd

ICPMA Awards 2024 (3) - TALKE Dangerous Good Warehouse.mp4

A global project organization, working beyond the border

"At the heart of TALKE's operations lies a commitment to sustainability."

Social Impact

Client: Construcciones Obycon SAS

PM: Julio Cesar Beltran, CEICMO Ingenieria SAS

CEICMO Presentation ICPMA 2024

7.082 families are now living in these new buildings

"In this project, CEICMO, in collaboration with Obycon, is actively contributing to the urban development of Colombia."

Working in Global Alliance

Client: Transport for London (TfL)

PM: Adept Management

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Delivered under a collaborative D&B contract, the project includes 3km of new tunnel, 2 new stations and 2 shafts.

"The redesign process led TfL and the Contractor to recognize the bennefits of working collaboratively..."

Congratulations to Adept for the great Video Award 2024!

Excellence in Collaboration & Communication

Client: DB InfraGO AG

PM: S-Bahline S4


"New and tailored Alliance Contract model has been developed and applied to our project"

On this project, we can see that Communication is the key of a successful project realization.

Congratulations to S4 for the great Video Award 2024!

Overall Project Achievement

Client: Colegio Colombo Hebreo

PM: Penta Ingenieros by SRC Ingenieros Civiles

penta ingenieros 27_05_2024.mp4

"effective coordination among the various disciplines was imperative to achieve an exceptional final finish"

Upholding industrial safety and environmental considerations as fundamental parameters throught the project lifecycle

Overall Project Achievement

Client: Yasakanyokoba Gakuen

PM: Nikken Sekkéi Construction Management, Inc (NCM)

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Not only "preserve" but also "invigorate" the Properties. 

NCM strategized to balance between interests, risks and opportunities for both client and bidders.

Excellence in Construction Project Management

Client: Amprion GmbH

PM: Dr Jorn Koch

A new partnering contract model for large-scale infrastructure programs: a collaborative approach.

"5.500 km of transmissino grid are being expanded and upgraded. In doing so, we are paving the way for a climate-friendly energy system."

Congratulations to Amprion for the great Video Award 2024!