Higashi-Honganji Temple, Kyoto Japan
Alliance Distinction 2017
Client Higashi-Honganji Temple
Project Manager Nikken Sekkei, Japan
This resulted in a project that communicates the skills and ideas of our ancestors to subsequent generations.
This project involved restoring three of the world’s largest wooden structures, the symbolic structures of the Shinshū Ōtani-ha (Higashi Honganji) mother temple. Highest priority was placed on the preservation of traditional cultural properties and traditional techniques were combined with the latest in architectural technology to perform the restoration while also ensuring safety.
Renovation of the three main structures of Higashi Honganji i.e.
the Founder's Hall
the Amida Hall
the Founder's Hall Gate
These three structures were rebuilt in the Meiji Era, 1895, and are designated and registered as National Cultural Assets.
Since it was a long-term project to be paid for by the worshippers, a method for proceeding with total transparency and fairness was required.
As a means for solving the challenges, full construction project management was applied and the project achieved major results, environmentally friendly renovation and the spreading of knowledge obtained through examination, research and construction to society were notable social contributions of this project.
The value of the traditional wooden structures and cultural assets was maintained throughout this renovation, their structural authenticity was preserved, enabling them to be enjoyed by future generations.